Nice post, chief.

Have a good one.

["Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Well, I think you're wrong, but whatever, it's not worth arguing 
> about.
> >Nothing on this list is worth arguing about, because every time I 
> try I
> >get a bunch of responses from people saying the same thing over 
> and over
> >because they don't understand the point I'm trying to make and 
> then get
> >a bunch of personal replies from people off list saying "I 
> agree."  It's
> >like shouting at a wall.
> your "opinion" is about doing something youve never had any 
> experience doing. i dont know what to say about that really. how 
> many free festivals have you thrown with hundreds of thousands of 
> attendees? sh*t, have you done ANYTHING even CLOSE to that scale 
> of things? the number of things that could potentially happen in 
> planning something like this boggles the mind. for you to sit 
> there and make comments about their ability to pull it off when 
> you couldnt even begin to do so yourself is absolutely useless. if 
> you were an organizer of say the love parade in berlin perhaps 
> your opinion would be worthwhile. in the meantime youre just a 
> critic mouthing off from the peanut gallery. 
> >I'm not trying to piss people off, I'm just stating my opinion. 
> clarify that: your "unqualified" opinion. 
> >I think
> >the festivals in 2000 and 2001 were some of the best lineups ever 
> booked
> >in North America and were diverse enough and groundbreaking 
> enough to
> >draw in people from all over the continent and even the world.  
> Since
> >then, though, I feel like the festival has shifted its focus from 
> the
> >groundbreaking and forward-thinking to the nostalgiac and 
> established.
> yeah, last year it shifted fosuc to people from detroit. what a 
> novel concept considering the fact that it is the detroit 
> electronic music festival. really, if you thought last year's 
> lineup of up and coming people alongside some of the most 
> influential cats in the business doesnt stand up to the past 
> lineups, i dont know what to say. 
> >Anyway, enough.  If you wanna go to DEMF, have fun.  I want 
> Furthur
> >back.
> rave on. 
> tom 
> ________________________________________________________________

:: atomly ::

[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
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