just one more from me on this topic (noise) and then I'll shut it.  ;)

I can see all the points of view, and appreciate that this is a self-moderated 
list. I think it would be a mistake to clamp down very strict rules (I think 
the ones we already have are fine) or isolate particular groups because that 
could harm creativity and spontaneity. Maybe if we all just try to remember to 
chill on the "attaboys" or "I agree, yeah" kinda mails (plus the OT stuff) then 
that would reduce the list traffic? A little variety/diversity is nice tho' and 
can often fuel actual 313-related stuff. imho.

I don't post often because I work and am in grad school full time. by the time 
I have 2 seconds to sit down, my brain is often so fried there would just be no 
point. My filtered mail box at home has 2200+ '313' messages right now 'cos I 
haven't had time to go thru them all (and I don't like the digest format). But 
I will go thru them & just delete the ones that I don't find relevant - it's 
not a big deal to me, but that's just me.


----- Original Message -----
From: synthetic tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 8, 2004 2:26 pm
Subject: Re: (313) 313's Signal to noise ratio

> correct me if i'm wrong, but most of the noise i'm seeing today is 
> in 
> the form of complaints regarding noise.  kind of ironic, right?
> delete takes a second.  let people say what they want to say.  
> noise is 
> an inherent part of any community, online or real life.
> and here's my attempt to start a more interesting thread:
> lately i can't get enough of: _________ (theo parrish jill scott 
> "slowly surely")
> t
> On Mar 8, 2004, at 2:09 PM, kj at technotourist dot org wrote:
> >
> > On 8-mrt-04, at 19:10, Robert Taylor wrote:
> >
> >> Isn't this just because there are more people into Detroit 
> music in 
> >> Europe and the UK?
> >> There certainly more events going on and the people are closer 
> to 
> >> each other geographically than in the US, so they have more to 
> talk 
> >> about.
> >
> > That might be true but that isn't my point. I am just saying 
> here that 
> > if i have to delete 40 funny posts or one-liners per day for 
> this list 
> > that we should all think twice before posting a message to 313. 
> Maybe 
> > another list might be more suitable for this. Just be aware that 
> your 
> > posting something to a list with 800+ members and that most of 
> them 
> > might not be interested in your post. If there might be a need 
> for 
> > something like a 313-UK list or something please do so, we 
> dutchies 
> > have our own lowlands-mailinglist (also known as [low]) for 
> years now. 
> > It isn't as hard to start a new list these days as it was in 
> 1994 when 
> > this list was created (yes people its 313's 10th anniversary 
> this 
> > year!).
> >
> >
> >> From: Greg Earle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Agreed ... hasn't anyone noticed that hardly any Detroit people
> >> post here anymore?  I just looked at the first Digest from
> >> Jan. 2000 and almost all the posts (except for Cyclone and the
> >> Dutchies) were from Detroit/Michigan peeps ...
> >

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