
I apologise for extending this thread even further, but I have email rage.

1) Don't call me a BRIT. It's f**king offensive, or I find it so anyway.
You don't find us calling you YANK do you?

2) How come as soon as KJ sticks his head over the wall to make a pretty
valid point about the list, you get a whole bunch of people piping in
telling us how   poor the list is? Where are all these people when the list
needs valuable contributions? So, you don't feel strongly enough to
contribute anything worthwhile, but as soon as you feel you can get away
with having a moan, you do. Oh man, whats all that about? Names that I
never see in my inbox, moaning? Please, contribute something that we can
all talk about - you might see less 'jokes' then, or other boredom related


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