> I don't mind a bit of noise to be honest, if there was less chit chat do
> you
> all feel there would be more people from the D here, is that what this is
> about? What next - We need more one eyed lesbo women in wheelchairs :)

Actually , I think what is wanted is not more people from the D here (I'm
from Portland OR myself), which is quite a ways away from the D. I think
what is wanted is more talk about music that is from or related to the D. 
then what they are going to be wearing at the next club night, as I've
seen in some posts...

I can't say that I"m the most active person on the list by any stretch, but
when I do speak, I try to make it  in relation to what this list is about.

.... I also like Brendan's idea of policing as we go. If we see specific
that are off topic to bring it up then.

I guess... i've added enought noise myself to the signal, so time to
filter myself...


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