mmm So are you blaming UK people for bringing the quality down then?

If they didn't post here who would then?

313 is just about living or being in the D - crikey what a box to put what
we do in!

If mail from certain people drives you mad, just set your mail up to delete


> On 8-mrt-04, at 19:10, Robert Taylor wrote:
> > Isn't this just because there are more people into Detroit music in
> > Europe and the UK?
> > There certainly more events going on and the people are closer to each
> > other geographically than in the US, so they have more to talk about.
> That might be true but that isn't my point. I am just saying here that
> if i have to delete 40 funny posts or one-liners per day for this list
> that we should all think twice before posting a message to 313. Maybe
> another list might be more suitable for this. Just be aware that your
> posting something to a list with 800+ members and that most of them
> might not be interested in your post. If there might be a need for
> something like a 313-UK list or something please do so, we dutchies
> have our own lowlands-mailinglist (also known as [low]) for years now.
> It isn't as hard to start a new list these days as it was in 1994 when
> this list was created (yes people its 313's 10th anniversary this
> year!).
> > From: Greg Earle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Agreed ... hasn't anyone noticed that hardly any Detroit people
> > post here anymore?  I just looked at the first Digest from
> > Jan. 2000 and almost all the posts (except for Cyclone and the
> > Dutchies) were from Detroit/Michigan peeps ...

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