> At 09:47 AM 3/9/2004, J. T. wrote:
>>i could be wrong but i thought deepchord were based out of boston.
>>i like a lot of deepchord stuff, but i wouldnt put it on the same level
>> as
>>bc/cr/etc because they are seriously lacking in the bassline department
>> --
>>great dubby chords and nice beats, but missing lowend...many releases
>> have
>>no basslines at all. altho i guess that doesnt hurt them in the mix
> discogs.com shows their address as Detroit, MI

Tom (my partner) and I hooked up with Deep Chord at one the DEMF's, and
since we went to their apartment in the D, I would guess that they are
from the D, but you never know... ;)  check the archives of 313... you may
find out that
they are really based out of dairy farm in Wisconsin...

You never know who to believe ... !


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