i gotta debate you there.
i haven't heard the whole album but..
kayne west is responsible for the whole chipmunk sample crazy- easily the
worst thing to EVER happen to pop music.

haha what?? yes all trends suck! err something. the worst thing ever to happen to pop music? easily? were you asleep in the late 90's? executive produced supergroups are easily the worst thing to ever happen to pop music, get real.

i like kanye west. it's nothing amazing. just very good mainstream style hiphop. i dont think he's hiphop's "saviour" or any sht like that, as a lot of media hype is making him out to be (they do this every 6 months or so right? such n such is totally re-ineventing "insert genre here"..or "oh wow, rap music can actually be intelligent!" ohhhh really??)

give me jaydee stuff over kanye west any day of the week.

now if anyone doesn't mind- i could easily start a thread regardi hip=hip
that i've recently discovered. stuff that probably has more in common with
carl craig than public enemy

lay it on us
tho i'd be awfully excited to hear any hiphop that had anything in common with p.e. too

np dizzee rascal

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