> Saying you're from "Detroit" just keeps conversations conceptually
> simple, rather than having to get into some big spiel about where this
> particular suburb lies

Makes sense to me, when people ask where I'm from I just say "Cleveland"
to keep it simple.

What really determines where someone is actually "from" anyway?
Technically, the hospital I was born in is in Fairview Park, though we
lived in Cleveland proper at the time, and continued to do so until I was
8 or 9. Then I spent another 8 or 9 years in North Olmsted, then a bunch
more in Columbia Station, now I live in Berea.

Where am I "from?"

None of those cities (all suburbs of Cleveland, BTW) will likely mean
anything to someone who isn't familiar with the area. So, I'm from
Cleveland. Why be pedantic and potentially cause needless confusion?


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