dennis ever think about writting  a for dummies volume: laptop live pa
for dummies?

Im acctually very surprised you would even half joke about what you
what is this live pa in a box?

do your thing how ever you do it there is no RIGHT or WRONG
if you decide to play an mp3 rather then play using some live tool...
then thats in your own hands, but honestly your only cheating your self
and if folks think your playing itunes then forget em it just shows how
uneducated people are to the reality of it all...

composing and playing live is as much hard work if your using a laptop or
a guitar they are just different tool and if people are not savey to that
then they need to retreat to thier burrows and learn a little more...

my simple responce to any one that boffs at my live pa is: "ok I would
like to see you do better with the same tools"
100 percent chance they wont rise to the occassion I have yet to see it...
not to mention they wouldnt know where to begin, playing live on a laptop
takes as much work as it does to play the piano, guitar, bass, etc etc..

aka naw

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Dennis DeSantis wrote:

> Hi David,
>  > Any suggestions on keeping it fun that you all have though, I'd be
>  >happy to hear!
> I have two:
> 1) Drop the kick drum out and bring it back in, a lot.  The kids these
> days love that stuff.
> 2) A filter sweep ain't a filter sweep unless you make it look really
> difficult.  Turn your ENTIRE BODY into the knob, rather than just your
> thumb and index finger.  Knob motions should look difficult.
> I'm only half-joking.
> Oh, and record your set, post it on the net, and let us all hear it.
> I'd love to check it out.
> Best of luck,
> --
> Dennis DeSantis

[neil adam wiernik aka naw]
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