On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Dennis DeSantis wrote:

> I absolutely agree.  The sonic art is always the most important.  It's
> just that in the context of a live performance it's not the only parameter.

umm well then what your saying is that its not all that important and that
showman ship is more important I disagree with that one for sure...
Im happier to hear an auraly perfect show then some thing thats only
partly good aurally and perfect visually. Infact to be honest with you I
usually pay no attention to stage presence and or visual stillulis when I
go out to hear an artist play...

> Yes, I have.  The culture of contemporary concert music makes me ill -
> the notion that, with an education, no artist is capable of making a
> mistake, and that any sort of failure to relate on the part of the
> audience must be blamed on the audience.

I tend to not agree with that but then again I think we both went to 2
very different schools of 20th century music... I gather that in boston (I
think thats where you went to right?) things are very different then up
here in canadian schools... just a different way of looking at music I
think...Ive heard your complaint from others who have studied 20th century
music in US schools... its interesting as in canadian schools we were
encrouaged to create works from mistakes, they called them happy
accidents... infact its the happy accidents that led to me looking at
dancefloor oriented musics and applying 20th and 21st centry ideas to
it...but thats another thread... ;)

> It's for THAT reason that I came back to electronic music - because I
> saw in it an opportunity to make music that was both self-satisfying and
> somehow conversant with a listening public.

came back, I thought you said you missed the whole late 80s/early 90s rave
music thing... adn that your comming at it from a different perspective as
a result at least thats what I got from your interview at the radio
station that night...

> But that's a different story.
> --
> Dennis DeSantis
> www.dennisdesantis.com

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