Neil Wiernik wrote:
ok denis what ever you say... but honestly I would think a fellow former 20th cent music student would see how important the sonic art is over the flashy showmanship is...
I absolutely agree. The sonic art is always the most important. It's just that in the context of a live performance it's not the only parameter.
Im acctually surprised... have you lost touch with your roots?
Yes, I have. The culture of contemporary concert music makes me ill - the notion that, with an education, no artist is capable of making a mistake, and that any sort of failure to relate on the part of the audience must be blamed on the audience.
It's for THAT reason that I came back to electronic music - because I saw in it an opportunity to make music that was both self-satisfying and somehow conversant with a listening public.
But that's a different story. -- Dennis DeSantis