If all the artist is doing is a note-for-note, measure-for-measure,
tweak-for-tweak replication of their recorded material, then yeah, there's
really little point.

I personally hope for (expect?) the performer to transform things a bit
live and expand upon the recorded material. Therein lies the joy, for me.
Knowing that what I'm hearing is something (at least a little) unique. The
people at the last show didn't hear this, and the people at the next show
won't either. It's an individual and unique snapshot of where they were
(physically and mentally) that night.


> I do agree with your sentiment but the reality of it just doesn't add
> up...
> What is the point of doing it live, if there is nothing to look at, when
> u can save yourself a load of bother and just stick on a cd-r u burned
> the night before and stand behind the decks........my  $0,02
> Placid
> www.acid-house.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Wiernik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 June 2004 17:42
> To: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: Re: (313) Laptop performances
> that is exactly what makes a live show BORING - a recipes, nothing worse
> then a cookie cutter live artists, electronic or other wise...
> like I said befor if the music is good and can stand on its own there is
> no need for gimmicks, showmanship, videos or any thing as that stuff
> just
> takes away from how good your music really is...
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Dennis DeSantis wrote:
>>  > Im acctually very surprised you would even half joke about what you
>> said...
>>  > what is this live pa in a box?
>> No, I just meant that, for whatever reason, those sorts of stage
>> presence "recipes" seem to have a kind of universal appeal for club
>> crowds.  It's sort of the 21st Century version of the Pete Townsend
>> guitar pinwheel or the spinning drumsticks.
>> --
>> Dennis DeSantis
>> www.dennisdesantis.com
> --------------------------------------
> [neil adam wiernik aka naw]
> [music available on]
>  http://www.noisefactoryrecords.com
>  http://www.pieheadrecords.com
>  http://www.worthyrecords.com
>  http://www.complot.ca
> [artist features]
>  http://www.clevermusic.net
>  http://www.newmusiccanada.com
>  http://www.cognitionaudioworks.com
> --------------------------------------

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