I actually had a music teacher in elementary school who spent a couple weeks on basic electronic music. This was sometime between '79-'81. She didn't have any synths with keyboards - just these bizarre silver boxes with frequency and amplitude knobs that would produce steady-state tones of a single waveform. So there was "the sine wave box" and "the square wave box". What was even cooler than this rudimentary gear was the fact that we actually used it to do sound effects for the school play. We recorded about 30 seconds of various squeaks and squelches to a strip of reel-to-reel tape, then taped the end of the strip to the beginning and played it back during some scene that needed "machine" noises.

I have no idea what happened to that music teacher. I can't even remember her name. But in retrospect, that was a pretty amazing experience.

Anecdotally yours,

Dennis DeSantis

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My high school used to offer classes in electronic music. This was back
in.............oh, 1986.
We used Sequential Circuit Pro One synths and recorded to 4 track
reel-to-reel. Learned all about FM synthesis.
Best class in high school ever.

I doubt they still offer it.

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