Mental Note: Must play Whitehouse really loud when over in the D ;)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
i really love overdriving things, its been that way with me for a long time. i can remember being at my friends house when he got a 4 track for the first time and we wanted to record a guitar part with about 25 effects on it, just to be annoying. we had to stand on the first floor while the amp and 4 track were on the 3rd floor in order to avoid the whole thing just being noise. but thats not the point. i actually wonder if maybe theres a digital stage in the mastering/pressing process that is making certain things sound bad. when i mix stuff down, i like my kick to be the loudest most obvious part, and thats the way theo's stuff is as well if you look at a recording of it. however, if you red line a drum like that in an analogue gain stage, it should just get really distorted and thick sounding, whereas like on the omar s 004 there's a "farty" sound on the kick which sounds more like digital clipping as opposed to that kind of analogue overdrive. so

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