---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Stoddard, Kamal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Naaaah duude. Not even. Omar's stuff is cool. And when he does it
he DOES IT. But (especially lately) I've felt he was cashing in on
the detroit hype to a degree by getting by with sub par mixdowns
(his ideas are always there, just the execution...) no mastering,
and general inconsistency in his production quality. 

i mean those old trax records arent renouned for their mixdowns,
thats for sure! now that you mention it, the low-fi ness of his
production values might be one of the reasons i feel like its so
much more like the old chicago stuff than the JM stuff. 

>Just want him bringing his A game if I'm spending my dough.
Nahmeen? To be honest though, I really shouldn't compare them
dudes as they're sooo different in approach and concept that it's
almost a disservice to both.

im not saying that theyre similar, only that the reasons you
stated for liking the JM stuff are similar to the reasons i like
the omar-s stuff. i will say that i feel like there's more
meandering in the JM records ive heard (not heard them all i dont
think) than in the omar stuff. 

>(hope I'm not being too blunt and sounding like a hater 'cause
it's not like that)

naw not at all. 

BTW track #8 is out on 12" and has been for a couple months now.....




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