> i mean those old trax records arent renouned for their 
> mixdowns, thats for sure! now that you mention it, the low-fi 
> ness of his production values might be one of the reasons i 
> feel like its so much more like the old chicago stuff than 
> the JM stuff. 

Good point. Really the thing I think I hate the most is the lack of bass 
control. Sometimes the kicks are almost drowned by the bassline and other times 
it's soo loud you can hear the machines doing their best to just compress the 
fxck out of it in compensation. As a result of the overcompression, the bass 
frequencies end up feeling hollow and muddy. But I'm anal about that and still 
fight with bass control on my own stuff sooo....

> im not saying that theyre similar, only that the reasons you 
> stated for liking the JM stuff are similar to the reasons i 
> like the omar-s stuff.

Oh. Okay. Yeah that makes sense and is pretty much true with me too.

> BTW track #8 is out on 12" and has been for a couple months now.....

Yeah I know, I was holding out on it cause I was hoping it would be on the 
vinyl lp and I could get them all at once. No such luck. I've got a secret hole 
in my closet that, if I stick my hand in and say the magic words, I can pull my 
hand out with a copy of the "12. hope that thing still works. :) 

And NO alex, you do not have to be nude to use the closet. And we'd prefer if 
you didn't put that thing on your head either. :)  

(get well soon, I'm sending you some charmin to wrap around your butt.) 

Kamal K. Stoddard
Turner Broadcasting Systems

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:32 PM
> To: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: RE: (313) HB on spectral
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Stoddard, Kamal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Naaaah duude. Not even. Omar's stuff is cool. And when he does it
> he DOES IT. But (especially lately) I've felt he was cashing 
> in on the detroit hype to a degree by getting by with sub par 
> mixdowns (his ideas are always there, just the execution...) 
> no mastering, and general inconsistency in his production quality. 

> >Just want him bringing his A game if I'm spending my dough.
> Nahmeen? To be honest though, I really shouldn't compare them 
> dudes as they're sooo different in approach and concept that 
> it's almost a disservice to both.
 i will say that i feel like there's 
> more meandering in the JM records ive heard (not heard them all i dont
> think) than in the omar stuff. 
> >(hope I'm not being too blunt and sounding like a hater 'cause
> it's not like that)
> naw not at all. 
> tom 
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