from what i gather, freedom of speech is protected, or is defensible, to the extent that it doesn't promote hate or violence against religious, ethnical, or sexual where does that leave booty? "beat that bitch with a bat" may not actively promote doing that precise act but it sure walks that fine line between free speech and hate speech nevertheless.

I disagree with the censorship of hate lyrics as well, as much as I dislike the BNP and KKK, I do believe they have a right to a platform, and I know if you give them one they will indeed show themselves up for what they really are. One of the local forums in Sheffield allowed the BNP to join and within hours they where exposed as the stupid nazi idiots that they actually are and the bonus was 100,000 people got to know about it.

You can use stuff like this as a scapegoat if you wish, but think about what Bill Hicks said about drugs (I know some of you here have taken them) and think about all the dark stuff you've ever read or watched, yeah thought so...Do you really believe Chapman shot Lennon because of Catcher In The Rye?


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