great compilations! my personal ultravox favourite is "dislocation" (though it's not listed) anyway - those cds should be in every djs record bag for "one of those nights" you get invited to dj at your best friends party. after about an hour of playing the finest from detroit your best friends girlfriend/boyfriend walks up to you and says: "roman (john, harry, tod, lisa, wendy - just fill in your name right here) you know how much i admire your style but you know - my friends and the people from my office like to dance a little and they are not that experienced in listening to great music (well - she/he doesn't want to make you angry so he/she's very diplomatic)... i was just wondering if you brought some other stuff as well - some from depeche mode or some disco like donna summer - you know what i mean..." after a second of thinking to yourself: "should i stay or should i go? (the clash)" you dig into your record bag and bring on this cd set and sadly enough the party becomes a big sucess :-) after which you receive loads of invitations to dj at partys of your best friends boyfriend/girlfriend's friends or colleagues - whom you friendly reject in a (again) diplomatic way: "oh... i'm very sorry - but i'm actually travelling to tokio to see ur perform!" anyway - great hint! i actually bought some of the stuff back then when it was originally released in the old days (when men were men and women where women and small furry creatures from alpha centauri were small furry creatures from alpha centauri) what reminds me of having to reply to the "(313) hello, I'm..." thread. after reading jeff klein's entry and few others round my age i feel safe enough to reveal my real age :-)
anyway - have a great day
energylog - read the news -

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