Man, he had a superb, soulful voice like fellow Scot Annie Lennox - strong
contrast with the electronic music. (I notice that Eurythmics are
experiencing a revival among leftfield club DJs at the moment.) And, man,
did he not have the look. Suave with a capital S!
The record Vienna is magnificent!
I just got the Vienna LP for $5 (around US$8) yesterday - mint - in a little
second hand shop in Camberwell along with Rage In Eden & Dare. What a steal.
His later solo stuff was mixed - I agree, though his version of No Regrets
is cool.

BTW I recently did an interview with Howard Jones! He is such a cat! It's a
real joy interviewing these 80s acts who are now being recognised. Maybe I
can post it online somewhere. He is quite familiar with current electronic
music and had some interesting insights into the marketing of electronic
Iva Davies of Icehouse is fascinating too.

>>Avoid all Ure-era Ultravox like the plague  :-)
> what about Herr X/Mr X Greg? Do you not like that one...?
> thats from 'ure' era maybe....?

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