On Jun 22, 2005, at 1:59 PM, Greg Earle wrote:

Whoa, this must be the Generation Gap[tm] speaking. (Sorry Cyclone :-) )

At the risk of breaking ranks, I will respectfully disagree with my slightly older brother. ;-)

Vienna is brilliant electronic music, and it crystallized the dispassionate neu-romantic aesthetic. If we could replace Midge's voice with John Foxx, I'll bet Greg would love it. The same holds true to a somewhat lesser extent with Rage in Eden.

And Alex nails it:  "Mr. X" begat "Alleys of Your Mind" after all.

My own (highly biased) suggestions:

Foxx's "Metamatic".  (One of the Greatest Albums Ever Made)
"Systems Of Romance".  (Classic)
"Ha! Ha! Ha!".  (If only for "Hiroshima Mon Amour", one of their best)
"Ultravox!" (first album) if the rest made you a fan.

All good suggestions as well, but it was a different Ultravox. On that we agree.

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