On Thu, November 3, 2005 7:40 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Musically we are living in a period where every form of noise has been
> "liberated" - not to express something but rather to be explored for its
> own sake. I don't need music to carry some supposed meaning or feeling.
> There is a place for music with feeling, but there is also a place for
> abstract music that explores structured sonic possibilities for their own
> sake.
> Techno was ALWAYS about the surface anyway, it never was substantive
> compared to, say, Mozart. Techno is a special effect, a slowly mutating
> surface of noise vibrating over extremely repetitive rhythmic patters. And
> that is just fine with me.

dave, youre my man but this is nonsense. making noise is just that: making
noise. its not music. i own noise records. im not against noise. but its
not the same game as making music. music DOES come with meaning and
feeling. thats the whole point. without it, you could just listen to
random sounds around you and feel as satisfied as if you just listened to
a record. and since thats not the case, theyre not the same.


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