Since it seems that a comment by larry started this. I feel he should
have the definitive word as well.

"...The creative person [especially musicians] and the listener are
viewing the scenario from different perspectives and are seeking
different kinds of fulfillment..."
Larry heard interview 2001.

Sounds about right to me. Any producer looking for consistent specific
emotional response (the musical holy grail) is gonna be disappointed.
And any fan that thinks they know what the producer was feeling is just
wrong. While larry's on the table, even he admitted that the seminal
washing machine was the result of hooking two machines up weird and
having one trigger the sample from the other on random (not
intentionally set to random mind you). Not intentional, but stirring
nonetheless. This argument has gotten waaay too academic because we all
know what feeling he's talking about. And if you don't know, no one's
gonna be able to explain it to you.
LH:Can you feel it?
Me: come on larry, I feel lots of things. be specific.
LH: you know, that feeling?
Me: well now that just sounds like BS, if you can't tell me what I
should feel then just don't bring it up.
LH: ...

Yeah it really sounds that stupid. 

Two sides of a coin then...


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