I know what you mean in terms of, there's nothing worse to me that hearing a record (or what I do) described as "emotional" Techno- it's a byword word for "bland and predictable" for me- it's a term used in particular with electronic music- I've never heard of "emotional Rock and Roll or "emotional" Folk music!


On 3 Nov 2005, at 23:54, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Maybe I wasn't very clear in that, of course they are, but when someone says "I put emotion in my music" or "I wanted to convey emotion" I get bored by cliches like that. It doesn't inspire you to hear the song, hey. Something
more illuminating like "I was feeling despair over this".

But are all those things you mention not "emotions"- and the things
that define our relationship to the world about us and in this
instance, the music we are discussing?


On 3 Nov 2005, at 23:23, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Good point. I personally shrink when in interviews artists talk of
in relation to their work and don't define that too. What do you
mean -
sadness, despair, anger - or something that approximates emotion by
generally stirring? It's not v enlightening. But that's maybe just

There seems to be some confusion regarding "emotion"

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