Well, you go right on being offended, Tom.  Just don't
be surprised with all the snickering around you.


------ mail forwarded, original message follows ------

To: 313@hyperreal.org
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Thomas D. Cox, Jr.>
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: (313) Tejada/Maxwell in SF
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:39:10 -0500

On 11/23/05, Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I rarely participate in these 313 food fights, but the comment
> below is one of the most self-indulgent and indeed laughable
> ones seen here in a long, long time.
> It certainly doesn't portray John Tejada in any fashion relating
> to, you know, reality.

yeah, im just making it up because i felt like it. right. i dont need
arguments in support of what ive said right now because i know its
correct. but i know other people feel the same way, including some
people whose work john has appropriated for his own "style".

> John's work as a DJ and producer stands on its own merits
> and most will agree with me that he's one of the best we've
> got out there in the electronic music world.

wow, we may as well give up now if all we have to offer the world is
indie rock guitar nonsense and crappy glitch house. at least when he
was ripping off detroit techno he picked a good genre to imitate. his
broken beat stuff and his jungle stuff is laughable, it actually
offended me in its blandness.


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