First, I missed the first years of the festival. I've only gone to the last
two so my frame of reference is somewhat limited.
Second, I would definitely be going again were it not for my new son who I
to spend time with. (Priorities...)

That said, I've heard many people say that the festival in general was on a
downward slide. I will admit that I liked the 04 festival better than last
year but I still had an immense amount of fun both years. My experiences at
the 'Green Light Go' party in 04 and both events at 1570 Woodward in 05 are
some of the memorable experiences that will stay with me for the rest of my
life. I had also never been to anything 'techno' that involved that many
people so just being in Hart plaza with that many others all dancing to one
beat was a truly awe inspiring moment for me. It was also very cool and a
bit humbling to be in a city with so much musical history. I ended up
meeting several people who I never would have crossed paths with otherwise
during both trips out there. Best of all, hearing Detroit techno in Detroit
by Detroit artists really gave me a new apreciation for the music. That
alone is reason enough for me to go again and reason why I hope others will
go again this year.

Perhaps the festival is getting a bit "ravey" this year and perhaps there
aren't as many home grown acts as we'd like to see. I can completely
understand if those reasons compel people outside of the US not to come. For
those of us on this side of the pond though, it's still far, far better than
the events that we normaly can choose from. That is one of the biggest
reasons why I would go. I'm all for supporting something that is really
different from the usual run-of-the-mill events.

Bottom line is that beggars can't be choosers. It's not like there are a
huge number of events like this happening in the US. I hope people will
support Fuse-In because it's one of the few decent electronic music
happenings that we have here in the states.

At risk of sounding overly dramatic, I sincerely hope things work out this
year and in the future because Fuse-In is something I'd really like to take
my son to when he's a little older.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Heutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: (313) DEMF 2006: To Go Or Not To Go?

I'll be there.  Objectively, neither the festival nor the afterparties are
all that great, but it's sort of like the county fair or the playoffs -- you
go anyway even if you've seen it all before (and usually you get
something you haven't seen anyway).

In my view, the afterparties have been on a swift slide downward
for the last couple of years.

The few good ones tend to get shut down, and otherwise it's
mostly the same old mix of promoter grandiosity, uninspiring DJs,
trainspotters, celebrity chasers and bored kids.  There have been
some very notable exceptions; the 430 West party at Johansen
Charles, that one out at Grand River and Warren last year (great
party until it was shut down at the tragic hour of 1 am), Timeline,
a couple in Eastern Market three or four years ago, Tresor at
the Transmat building on Gratiot.  And I've missed a few classics
including a couple Cannonballs and the legendary Three Chairs
night at (I believe) Cass Cafe.

But it's still less than a dozen that really stand out for me after
six years.

So my point is, of course I go, and I don't have unrealistic
expectations about any of it.

As for whether out-of-towners will play with locals who didn't
make the festival slate, that's the promoter's call.  In fact, just
look at the flyers and tell me how you think that works, OK?


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