I had to miss last year and will miss again this year. I am broke. But even if I had the money, I just find travelling to the US too stressful these days. I don't see me going until there's a change of government policy. The fact that I work in media makes it v awkward to go into the US even on holiday. It's the only country that makes media get a visa to cover things for outside press and they've toughened it up so much that the small papers I work for can't help me and it's just too difficult. You go to Europe and Japan and Australia it's easy, you're greeted. In Melbourne they even have programs for visiting journos which includes people to take you to cool clubs and venues and so on. It's hard when I am going on a holiday and possibly writing on it - the US customs don't have a category for that. We've made enquiries here and it's just too difficult.

On 24/04/2006, at 10:08 AM, O.L. From The Basement wrote:

How many list members from outside the U.S. or from the U.S. but require air travel are going to this year's festival or are still waiting for the final
artist lineup to make their decision.
Do you think the artist lineups for the afterparties will be affected by the lineup for the festival? If the Detroit underground artists do not support the festival will they still have their afterparties and invite guests from
far away or just take the weekend off? Will U.R. have an Interstellar
Fugitives party; will Alex have an electro party? I just wish they could
plan these events farther in advance.
Some things to ponder.


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