I agree that attendance seemed light, but reports in the local media
confirmed a higher attendance on Saturday than the previous year. I suppose
we'll have to wait for the final numbers to see whether there was less

attendance more than "seemed light". every year before this one i can
remember sitting near the main stage as the sun was going down
completely amazed by the never ending rivers of people coming down
into the bowl. this year, you could easily walk up the stairs with no
problem. other stages were similar, there had to have been under 500
people at the pyramid stage monday night, compared with any other
festival thats completely ludicrous.

Yeah, I think there were about a third as many people Monday night at the main stage as there were the year before with UR and Mos Def. It felt like the life had been sucked out of the main stage. On the other hand it was nice to have room to breathe and it didn't take 20 minutes to get from one stage to another. The Freep today said that Pax expected to break even--but I also don't know how that could have happened unless Jesus was counting the money.

I totally disagree about the lack of cheap afterparties. There were alot of afterparties for $5 bucks. Saw Ayro-Arnold for $5. Saw Shake for $5. Saw Dez and Malik Alston for $5. I didn't go to any minimal parties tho. Did anyone go to that party at the Top of the Ponch w/ Scan 7? Interested to hear about that one. What about the one in the book building w/ Neil Landstrum? What about Juan's party on Gratiot and Bellevue and the C2/Derrick May/Kenny Larkin party at St. Andrews? Anyone catch these?

Scott Ellis

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