I had a great time this year, actually, and feel like I was at a
different festival than Tom Cox, even though I was hanging out with
him half the time.  I hope that Paxahau will take into account the
criticism they got on the line-up, because it really should be more
about Detroit music.

At the same time, the music I saw was all great. Fred Giannelli, La
Petit Orb, Szymanski, Jeremy Ellis, John Arnold, Tortured Soul, Dan
Bell, Carl Craig, Starsky and Clutch, Deadbeat, Godfather, were all
great musical experiences for me. Stacey Pullen, Mike Huckaby, and
Harvey at Oslo were awesome as well.

I wonder if there's some sort of dance music diet club going on.
Huckaby is looking trimmer, and Boo Williams has dropped probably a
hundred pounds!  Boo was showing off his wife, and seemed as happy as
I've ever seen him.

Main criticism I had was NO FREE WATER. That was downright dangerous Monday.

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