T.J.Johnson wrote:
> This may have already been discussed, but the K. Hand History 
> of Detroit on Tresor has actually grown on me.  When I first 
> brought it home last month, I threw a track off of this 
> double lp and it threw my mix off (sure, blame it on the 
> record=) because the beat was a little wacky for me.  But, 
> yesterday I played the record in it's entirety and found it 
> to be a pretty nice work.
> TJ

Someone wanted to give that record to me, thank God i listened to it and
used the 'well i have to travell back and i don't want to carry anymore
records' excuse. I found it one of the worst records on Tresor for a verry
long time! Some lame mixing and most of the tracks are so weak, there is
nothing going on. The whole thing just sounded a bit to much as a effort to
cach in on the succes of the DEMF.



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