Hey Jayson,

I'm fine today? You?

I hope you can keep up this 'politeness' thing for a while, as for me it's
natural - I live in hope! In any case, as I say, it is a great and momentous
thing when someone like yourself (I think we all here can say that to an
extent we know you - at least the rather unfortunate side of you) is capable
of courtesy, 5 lines without an expletive and capable of tendering respect
where it's due (i.e. to a larg extent most of humanity) - even if you
disagree the other person - I saw your message to Juan Atkins. For that, I
and many are sincerely glad. As I say, maybe you can even keep it up. Now to
your points:

And I hope you can do me the courtesy of reading them fairly closely, I do
apologise that I've gone on a bit more than I'd really want to, but this IS

The crux of the thing is that 'discrimination in any form sucks'. Now as
I've iterated before and I'm happy (kinda!) to reiterate - what Ms Gavoor
implied about gays was wrong, hurtful, etc. Therefore flew in the face of
points she had forcefully made about racism. Unfortunate.

What I'm saying is that whilst the contradiction is "much more than
regretable" - remember that phrase I used, right from the earliset? - this
does not detract from THE PRINCIPLE that racism exists in all spheres -
certainly in what appears to be a liberal societal sphere such as popular
music. I can tell you it exists in another ostensibly 'liberal' sphere, the
media, in which I work. Don't worry reactionaries,racism is alive and well
and working in the American and European medias.

Focus on the PRINCIPLE not the individual. You can work with the principle.
And if the individual is impervious to change as time may prove or disprove,
that person will be left behind but maybe a greater majority will go
forward. Focus on the propogator of the message at every turn and you'll be
blown off course. This week is a case in point.

ALL FORMS. It will never be buried if all outgroups in the world allow
themselves to be distracted by internecine warfare - that way only the
conventionalists win.

Ever heard of the Last Poets? A 1960s black jazz/poetry collective. Check
'em out, they did some crazy, thought provoking and groovy music back then,
and their remnants are still doing the same today. 1996, a principal member,
who's changed his name to Abiodoun Olewole said in a liner note: (remeber
this is a former friend of Malcolm X and a veteran Black Power campaigner)

"Never forget our friends, we can't succeed without our friends" - I've
heard him say the same thing to a predominantly white audience at the Jazz
Cafe in London.

Think about it.

Peace -

...and even respect (as long as you can maintain this facade of respect to
others that is - or maybe you can even demonstrate that it's not a facade).

Peace in any case,


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jayson B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 6:06 PM
>To: 313@hyperreal.org
>Subject: RE: [313] Regarding Business
>>Further, I'd say they're inexcusable really. However, I wondered
>how >those
>>offensive remarks of  Ms Gavoor, invalidated the other stuff
>>Laura Gavoor
>>said. Still have yet to get a cogent non-insulting, non inflammatory
>>response that actually answers that question.
>Hi ken!  i'm so very glad for your response, and i can't wait to
>provide you
>with a non-insulting positive response of my own!
>It depends on ms gavoor's full opinion of discrimination.  if she feels
>strongly about people getting discriminated against, then it DOES
>her response.  In that context, having her say ,'discrimination
>sucks,' and
>then turning around and saying the word 'faggot,' is 100%
>contradictory.  it
>causes the reader to believe that she does not believe in her own views.
>Or if she feels that only black people are discriminated against, or that
>black people are the only ones worthy of a sympathetic shoulder when it
>comes to discrimination, then i'll shut up.
>but i still find the word faggot offensive.
>Hope to hear from you soon ken, and have a great day!
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