i'm really starting to dislike these submerge previews.

that must be terrible for you. i'm sorry... i'll take a moment to consider your pain. i hope it's not taken the shine off your day. say, Mike, Genesis, do you see what you've done?

that just let us hear the opening build of the track.

look, it's a preview. nothing more, nothing less. it's supposed to whet your appetite. it's a teaser... a taste of things to come.

that can't be all the record does.

probably yeah. i'd imagine that it's 6 to 6 1/2 minutes, perhaps even 7 minutes, of that 30 second clip fading-in and then fading-out again. it's Submerge's take on the recent "looped bangers" (copyright: r pinning) fad. the secret's in the transition between the fading-out and fading-in you know.

if it is all that the record does, than this is a sad state of affairs.

hmm, i think we've been here before haven't we? you weren't so keen on the preview of "Inspiration" either were you? ahh well, your loss.

how about letting us hear the good parts?

why don't you drop Submerge an email and suggest that they "let you hear the good parts"? i'm sure they'd appreciate some constructive comments tendered in private.


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