oh i forgot-

you have to worship all things detroit to be on this list.

twice this month i have eagerly gone to the submerge website to hear a new
release preview. and both times, i got these uninspiring lo-quality

here's an idea. why not play 3 different 10 sec parts of the track?

just like you would if you were previewing a track at the store.

then we could really get an idea what the track is all about.

isn't that the point of a preview.

although i suppose mike banks could fart into a microphone and you'd call
it brilliant.

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, rob webb wrote:

> >i'm really starting to dislike these submerge previews.
> that must be terrible for you.  i'm sorry... i'll take a moment to consider
> your pain.  i hope it's not taken the shine off your day.  say, Mike,
> Genesis, do you see what you've done?
> >that just let us hear the opening build of the track.
> look, it's a preview.  nothing more, nothing less.  it's supposed to whet
> your appetite.  it's a teaser... a taste of things to come.
> >that can't be all the record does.
> probably yeah.  i'd imagine that it's 6 to 6 1/2 minutes, perhaps even 7
> minutes, of that 30 second clip fading-in and then fading-out again.  it's
> Submerge's take on the recent "looped bangers" (copyright: r pinning) fad.
> the secret's in the transition between the fading-out and fading-in you
> know.
> >if it is all that the record does, than this is a sad state of affairs.
> hmm, i think we've been here before haven't we?  you weren't so keen on the
> preview of "Inspiration" either were you?  ahh well, your loss.
> >how about letting us hear the good parts?
> why don't you drop Submerge an email and suggest that they "let you hear the
> good parts"?  i'm sure they'd appreciate some constructive comments tendered
> in private.
> rob
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