I can't believe how pointlessly nitpicking these comments are! Guys like 
Submerge have been tirelessly putting out great music for years and all you can 
do is moan about the samples one or two months before the tracks are even due 
I run a label and personally choose to put longer samples on the site, once the 
records are available, but you want to keep an element of surprise for when 
these things drop. I'm sure if you wanted you could spend a week visiting every 
other label's site and complain similarly about many more. Nobodys asking you 
to shell out cash right now on the back of these samples (although I have and 
should be getting the white labels next week:), but if they wet your appetite 
and build excitement to hearing more nearer the release date then what is the 
problem? And as for the quality of the samples, well not everyone has high 
speed connections and there still aren't many sites that record soundfiles for 
more than a 56k modem where you are bound to lose a lot of quality. I'm 
personally just glad that Submerge are making more of an effort these days with 
thier site redesign and mail outs to open thier sound up to more people. 
Come on, theres been more than enough crap spoken recently, lets get back to 
some sensible discussion and constructive comments.


oh i forgot-

you have to worship all things detroit to be on this list.

twice this month i have eagerly gone to the submerge website to hear a new
release preview. and both times, i got these uninspiring lo-quality

here's an idea. why not play 3 different 10 sec parts of the track?

just like you would if you were previewing a track at the store.

then we could really get an idea what the track is all about.

isn't that the point of a preview.

although i suppose mike banks could fart into a microphone and you'd call
it brilliant.

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