> i just dont know. i feel like all this surround sound stuff is just
> the emperor's new clothes, a new way to dress up a lack of quality. if
> something sounds good only in 3 dimensional space, is it really good
> or are we just impressed with technical innovation? a good song sounds
> good in mono coming out of a crappy radio, it sounds good in a crappy
> car system, it sounds good all the time. it is not dependent on
> anything else except its own intrinsic quality.

Agree but disagree.  It all depends how its used.  Music, to me at
least, isnt just about 'songs' in a traditional sense anymore.  Its
about expression through sounds, absence of sounds, and the space it
occupies or doesnt occupy.  More dimensions to work with equates to
more possibility for creative expression.  I dont feel utilization of
surround sound technology will be appropriate for all forms of
music...and of course it wont make a poorly done piece any better.
But I feel it does lead to furthering creative possibilities by
offering additional expressional capability to artists seeking to
express themselves in new ways....possibly leading to new forms of
music.  If anything I think it will require further skill and
creativity to utilize the technology to its fullest in order to yield
quality results.

> its funny that anyone would think that. with even just the 88 notes on
> a keyboard, combined with the absolutely infinite number of rhythms
> and infinite variations on those rhythms using time signatures and the
> like, the possibilities are absolutely limitless.

Absolutely.  Not to mention all the microtonal possibilities in
between those 88 notes.

If artists turn off the grid, disregard bpm, forget about being dj
friendly, forget about fame, or falling within in a particular genres
set of standards then maybe something new will come to fruition.  The
only limitations are ones we put on ourselves.

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