Given modern technology, midi clock time. Advance forms of time alignment there is no reason why a producer or composer should not be
>> considering sound in 3D.

Not unprecedented. There are pieces that are centuries old that call for brass players positioned all over the auditorium/cathedral/whatever.

Yes .. very true .. I have been following these ideas for a while .. and there 
some pretty cool stuff out there ..

I raised my comments in regards to Francis question because I think this
is where all the new exploration of ideas is going. Spatial space is where
new experiences can be found.

I don't think we have run out of music.  I think we have run out of space in the
current dimension that we listen to music.

If as Francis suggest we have discovered every type of music there is to find
and we can create every sound there is to create  .. then where to next.

If music is organised sound .. and we are getting bored of the way that the
sounds are being organised .. and we think that we have exhausted all the
possible ways to organise sound.  ..

Then I suggest we should change the number of dimensions in which we
organise the sounds ..


I imagine .. clubs in the future having visceral sound systems that react to
the audience emotion levels.

Or music that you purchase that is an environment, a sonic landscape that
is interactive and changes according to the time of day.

Perhaps even music that automatically remixes itself when introduced to
another piece of music.

I think the idea of music as a static object of fixed entity will become very
old fashioned soon.  Music will be regarded like plants, something that
grows and evolves has a life of its own.

Isn't this how music and sound lives in "real" life anyway ??

I see music like ripples in a pool.  I hear sound as space.  I want to
experience music that has a physically and dimensional texture like
swimming in a river current or gliding in the wind.

"Space the final frontier" !!?  This is where I think new music will come from,
as composers and artists attempt to configure melody and rhythm as the
physically dimensional language that it is.

If you don't believe me seek out Cymatics

maybe start here


I'll have to admit the coolest piece of music I have heard all year is the
sound of my unborn babies heartbeat on the ultrasound monitor.

Now that's a sound that I never heard before.

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