I love UR, specially Final Frontier, one of the tracks of my life But i have to admit that they, sometimes, pitch to some kind of cheesy naive-melodic area wich i don't like much. But... they always it with an admirable conviction, with guts. And that's a strong point for me. They don't try to be trendy-melodic, or chic, or "cool". That's one of the reasons why i don't like andy stott that much, for example. And i tried to. He made some nice tunes, yes, but most of the time he sounds too chic, too contained, too blasé. His music makes me picture myself as guy who doesn't drink and uses a black turtleneck with black thick-framed prada glasses... if you know what i mean. But, well... just my impressions. Respect to UR and to Andy Stott.

On 16/04/2008, at 11:41, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Michael Kuszynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
other than entertainment value of kill my radio station, i am unsure
about this release. it almost feels like it was done with a rock drum
 kit in the sense of how quote quote raw it sounds, but raw does not
 necessarily mean killer. as much as ur are the finest in electronic
 music at many times, i think i just must not get it when some of the
 releases are significantly not inspired. not sure if i an setting
myself up for slaughter posting so on this list, but i think i am not the only one who thinks that not every single release of theirs is the
 finest record ever.

i love how when they do the more conventional melodic UR sound, they
get criticized for sounding the same, and then when they try different
things, they get criticized for that too.

i think that even the weaker URs are more interesting than 95% of
records released.


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