Haha there's a word I don't use because a woman I respect told me it
was disrespectful to women. But every time I see it it cracks me up.
Especially since 'twatting' is apparently a slang term for a good ol
Amy Winehouse headbutt.

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 5:49 AM, Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Yeah, I agree it does sound a bit twatish of me :

But more on point -- while Dust Science may make marketing look easy,
it is quite difficult.  First record I released I spent considerable
time sending copies of the records with a 2 sheet to every magazine I
could think of, followed up by e-mails to review contacts, and I got
zero reviews, and sold 350 records out of a 500 record pressing.  The
next one I released I blew off marketing entirely except sending white
labels to DJs I knew who I knew would at least listen to it.  I sold
350 records out of a 500 record run.  And the second record was played
all over, including by Ben Sims to huge festival crowds. Go figure.

So go figure. Of course I'm ... me, and Richie is Richie, and he was
in the right place at the right time, and Amir Daza took a liking to
him, and he had Dan Bell to get all his good ideas from *duck* .... I
honestly begrudge him nothing... no really.

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