OK that was just a test. Try this link:
http://www.cornwarning.com/xfer/m500-starlight-blindfold test.wav

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:54 AM, kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sean Deason was kind enough to send me a CD of the Model 500
> 'Starlight' mixes, which I'd already bought in MP3 form from Boomkat.
> After the discussion yesterday about how MP3s are noticeable on a good
> sound system, this seemed like a golden opportunity to challenge the
> golden ears amongst you to a blindfold test of MP3 sonic quality.
> http://www.cornwarning.com/m500-starlight-blindfold test.wav
> How this was made:
> 1. I ripped the uncompressed digital audio from the CD.
> 2. I cut a short representative sample out of the track.
> 3. I saved it to an uncompressed WAV file, with no processing whatsoever
> 4. I saved it as an 320KBS fixed-bit-rate MP3 file.  I don't know
> which MP3 encoder Sony uses this days, but I'd guess they've licensed
> the current Frauenhofer CODEC.
> 5. I loaded both the WAV and the MP3 samples back into Sound Forge,
> and put them together in one file.
> Here's the challenge -- can you tell which sample comes first?
> There's a very tiny 'click' that will tell you where one sample ends
> and the other begins.
> Listen to it however you want, but if you load it in Ableton Live, set
> all level faders to 0dB and make sure that warping is turned off for
> this loop.  According to the appendix of the Live Manual, with those
> settings, the sample passes through without change.
> If you listen in Winamp or ITunes, make sure that you turn off EQ and
> effects, and set the volume fader to 100%.
> If you don't think this is a fair track to try this on, feel free to
> send me a sample from another record that you think would more clearly
> show the difference in sonic quality between MP3 and Wav.

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