I'm all for fighting the good fight for sound quality, though.

I kind of wonder about the idea that you can hear differences in a big
club that you can't on headphones or home speakers. Honestly, I can't
hear anything particularly well at 130 decibels, and by the time your
sound reaches the loudspeakers it's been through
digital->analog->digital conversion, EQ, compression, crossovers and

Several issues to consider. Most PAs are either rubbish, overdriven or poorly setup. Most turntables in clubs are poorly setup with old needles. Most DJs have no handle on levels and overdrive the mixer.

For digital DJs the levels thing also applies to some extent but also the equipment used for sound production varies wildly from nice things like MOTUs right down to on-board laptop sound (and worse).

Another shades of grey issue, it's certainly not black and white.


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