On 21 Jul 2017, at 16:48, David Adams via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> * No. You do not need classes. Modules do not require OOP, OO came out of
> earlier work and embraced modules and extended them. I'm just talking about
> module-level scope and data hiding, not OO

Ok, you could be onto something there. 4D often find ways to implement greater 
degrees of articulation in a unique “4D way” that doesn’t come with a whole lot 
of productivity baggage. I’ll suspend judgement till I see the killer feature - 
I might like it ;)

> Don't really know what you mean by 3G and 4G languages

Basically: statefull vs stateless, high level vs low level, integrated 
(language/DB/UI) vs dis-integrated.



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