In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Webber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
The standard can be set to say that !...! is a special symbol, and
developers can programs to read files on that basis UNLESS the
header contains "abc2win" in which case it is a line break!

Someone tell me that life really could be that simple!


Sorry David, no such luck. abc2Win only appears in the *file* footer, like so

% Output from ABC2Win Version 2.1 k preview on 05/07/2003

not the individual *tune* headers within that file. So if a file is created and only ever edited in abc2Win and posted to the Net as a complete file, then that construct will be at the bottom of the file. A tune created in abc2Win and then copied into an email, or a tune extracted from a file by JC's tune finder, almost certainly *won't* have any evidence in it of creation in abc2Win.

-- Steve Mansfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] - abc music notation tutorial, the newsgroup FAQ, and other goodies

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