David Webber writes:
| From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >... You have to buffer the entire tune in
| > memory,  and  examine  the  text  after  the tune to see if
| there's a
| > "%..." line that contains "abc2win".
| That in itself is no problem.  ABC is so concise that buffering a
| tune in memory is completely trivial these days.  In fact when I
| started writing my import filter, that was the first thing I did -
| read the whole file into a string with '\n' for newlines and stick a
| '\0' on the end.  Then one can start parsing it sensibly.

Right.  In perl, this is technically known as "slurping up"  a  file,
and  is  such a useful technique that the language has a conventional
idiom for doing it:

        @data = <FILE>;

Perl programmers will appreciate the subtlety of this  command.   The
'@'  signals that "data" is to hold an array, and forces the input <>
operator to be in "array context".  So it delivers  the  entire  file
chopped  into  lines  according  to  whatever  you have said the line
separator is.  You could follow this with

        if (@data =~ /abc2win/i) ...

to  check  whether  there  is  any  mention  of  abc2win  (with   any
capitalization) within the file.  Books on perl will include warnings
about the impact that such simple-looking commands may have if  there
are other processes competing for memory. But now that laptops with a
gigabyte of memory are  common,  this  can  be  a  lot  simpler  than
grovelling  through  the  data  with  lots  of loops and complex data

| The dual use of ! is still, as far as I can see, the worst conflict
| which has come up in existing files, and something therefore which
| urgently needs sorting out in a standard.

Actually, I'd say that if this is the worst we've done, we've done  a
pretty  good  job  of  it.  And, in my experience, it probably is the
worst incompatibility in abc tools.  So we can congratulate ourselves
on  being  such  a cooperative bunch.  Who'd have ever thought anyone
could say that about a gang of musicians?

| *Anything* which helps divine its purpose in existing files is
| useful at this stage.

Yup.  And note that, as someone else pointed out, sometimes the  only
clue  that  the music came out of abc2ps is the very last line of the

Note also that if you downloaded the tune from my  Tune  Finder,  and
didn't  use  the  "GET"  link  that  returns the whole file, then you
didn't get the abc2win comment.  All the other links  return  just  a
single  tune  (except for the X:0 case).  I'm not sure that this is a
problem that's worth spending time on. The heuristic that I described
earlier  (scan  for  a second ! and see if the intervening text looks
like abc music or an annotation) seems to do a sufficiently good  job
that  it's  likely not worthwhile spotting the few possible remaining
pathological cases.

Maybe we should ask Jim Vint if he could move that comment  into  the
tune's  headers.  That would be useful.  For that matter, it could be
useful if all abc-generating programs identified themselves this way.
"% name version" at least.  I'd bet this could come in very handy for
a lot of reasons.

Of course, now that I've made that suggestion, I should add  this  to
my  tune-finder's tune-extraction script.  It already inserts the URL
and date just before the K:  line.  Maybe  it  should  also  identify
itself as the culprit that chopped the tune out of the file and added
an HTTP header to the beginning.

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