David Webber writes:
| > On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, John Chambers wrote:
| > > BTW, a year or so back, I had my tune finder's search bot  count the
| > > tunes  that  seemed  to come from abc2win (because of the !  chars, or
| > > because they had a "% ... abc2win" comment). It came to between 9 and
| > > 10%  of the tunes.
| If
| 1. the above comment means that abc2win always writes its name in a
| comment
| and
| 2. The files which use ! in the middle of a line as a line break are
| almost all written by abc2win
| then this is very encouraging news!
| The standard can be set to say that !...! is a special symbol, and
| developers can programs to read files on that basis UNLESS the
| header contains "abc2win" in which case it is a line break!
| Someone tell me that life really could be that simple!
| Please!!!!!!

Um, sorry; it's not that simple.  Abc2win does write its  name  in  a
comment,  but  in the worst possible way:  It puts the comment at the
end of the tune, after a blank line.

Yes, it really is outside the tune.  And it really is after where you
want to know about it. There's nothing in the headers that identifies
a tune as coming from abc2win.  You have to buffer the entire tune in
memory,  and  examine  the  text  after  the tune to see if there's a
"%..." line that contains "abc2win".

Sorry 'bout dat.  There's nothing I can do to fix it.

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