From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>... You have to buffer the entire tune in
> memory,  and  examine  the  text  after  the tune to see if
there's a
> "%..." line that contains "abc2win".

That in itself is no problem.  ABC is so concise that buffering a
tune in memory is completely trivial these days.  In fact when I
started writing my import filter, that was the first thing I did -
read the whole file into a string with '\n' for newlines and stick a
'\0' on the end.  Then one can start parsing it sensibly.

The dual use of ! is still, as far as I can see, the worst conflict
which has come up in existing files, and something therefore which
urgently needs sorting out in a standard.

*Anything* which helps divine its purpose in existing files is
useful at this stage.

David Webber
Author of MOZART the music processor for Windows -
Member of the North Cheshire Concert Band

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