| John, in your tune finder, are all the tunes present in all the
| formats?

No, they're only present in the abc format.  All the  other
formats are generated on the fly.

| When I'm looking for a tune, I'll click on one of the ABC's at random.
| Sometimes I get the tune, and sometimes I get a notice that the file
| is empty.

This is usually because there's something  wrong  with  the
abc  file.   If  you  use  the  "Get" link, you can see the
original file.  Some of them have serious problems, and the
conversion  programs  (mostly  based  on abc2ps) just can't
handle them.

Note that most of the abc files are not on my site.   There
are about 280 known abc sites now. I don't have any control
over what people put on their web sites, and sometimes they
have  rather  weird ideas about how abc tunes should be put
on the web.  Or they used software that just generates  bad
abc.   And sometimes an "empty" tune is because someone has
typed in the header information, but  hasn't  included  the
actual music. I've done this with a few tunes, as a sort of
placeholder for tunes that I haven't found yet.

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