Anselm Lingnau writes:
| My little project is ABCifying the tunes from the RSCDS dance books.
| Some of the tunes have a second voice every so often (say, in four
| bars out of twenty-four), and the »&« feature saves me a lot of typing
| in [V:2] bits that are mostly empty.

Hey, glad to see you're doing this. I've volunteered in the past, but
the  RSCDS didn't respond.  So I've just done a lot of them in my own
way, which usually amounts to extracting just the melody and ignoring
bass  lines and decorative "voicelets".  And adding my own chords (or
simplifying theirs). And comparing the tunes with other books, to get
a merged version.  So my collection isn't a faithful transcription of
the RSCDS booklets.

If you're trying to transcribe the entire RSCDS  versions  of  tunes,
you  might  want  to start commenting here about the abc limitations.
You'll probably see a lot of them.  Keyboard music is the worst case.

I've also  mentioned  the  idea  of  an  RSCDS  ABC  project  in  the
strathspey  list,  but  it always seems to morph into a discussion of
the possible copyright problems.   I  suspect  that  this  is  a  red
herring.   People  contribute  their  tunes  and  dances to the RSCDS
because they want them played and danced, not because they expect  to
collect  royalties.   I'll  predict  that  not a single tune or dance
deviser will object to having them online.  And your if your site has
any  impact  on sales of the booklet, it will be a small increase due
to the publicity.  (I'm assuming that you'll include  ""
in each tune's header.  ;-)

Are you doing the dance descriptions, too?  That's a LOT of typing.

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