Anselm Lingnau writes:
| John Chambers  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Hey, glad to see you're doing this. I've volunteered in the past, but
| > the  RSCDS didn't respond.
| So far I'm doing this for my own enjoyment, with no official RSCDS
| sanction. I want to have an »Original Tunes for RSCDS Dances« book
| that saves me hauling 40+ booklets to those workshops where the
| teacher makes up his mind what to teach over breakfast on the same day
| (no kidding).
| I'm only doing the melody and chords. I try to stick to what is in the
| books but don't lose sleep over stuff that I feel needs changed.

So we really have the same motivation and approach.  ABC  works  best
for  a  "fake  book"  style,  which  is what is preferred by most SCD
musicians that I know. I'll have to remember to steal some tunes from
your  site.   (And  you're  welcome  to any of mine, of course.) What
you're doing was one of my main motivations for  doing  my  ABC  Tune
Finder. It was obvious that a lot of the tunes that I might want were
around on other people's web sites. The only problem was finding them
quickly  when I wanted one of them.  Very often you can find the name
of a dance's recommended tune, but how do you find the tune itself?

I've seen a few discussions of how slow the RSCDS has  been  to  take
advantage  of the Net.  My usual comment has been something like:  Of
course they're a bunch of conservative fuddy-duddies who are  decades
behind  the  times.   The RSCDS exists to preserve a tradition.  It's
their role to be conservative fuddy-duddies who  are  decades  behind
the times. It's up to us radical revisionists to develop their online
system, and when they're good and ready, we can give them a  copy  of
what  we've done.  (When this happens, I expect they'll just invite 2
or 3 of us to do the work.  What I'd be tempted to do is set up a SCD
wiki and invite all the strathspey subscribers to contribute.)

| I haven't yet decided what to do about publication of the ABC files.
| I suppose the thing to do would be to integrate them into Alan
| Paterson's DanceData somehow (or at least the WWW front end) and see
| what happens :^)

Yes; he already links to the  Fiddler's  Companion  site.   Maybe  we
should  both  be  discussing with him the easiest way to interconnect
all of our sites.  I have sets for about 600 dances in my  collection
(a bare start ;-).  I've developed an approach that works for me. But
it might be time to start talking about linking the SCD web sites.

| > Are you doing the dance descriptions, too?
| No -- different construction site. I need the dance descriptions only
| when I'm teaching, and then I usually know what I want to do and just
| take the book along.

I get the impression that a lot of teachers have put  their  favorite
dances into their computers, and some are online.  But they all do it
differently.  I wonder how long it will take for this to get  into  a
form  that can actually be used?  I've collected a few myself, but my
dance descriptions are in N different formats.

I have already had one "Übergeek" moment at a dance, when the teacher
gave  up  on  a  dance and wanted to do a specific simpler dance, but
didn't quite remember it. I thought it was one in my collection, so I
whipped  out  my cute Kyocera "smartphone" (which runs PalmOS and has
some ABC software installed), used the browser to find the  dance  on
my  MIT  site, and handed her the phone with the dance description on
the screen.  I got lots of geek points for that one.

I could have found a set of tunes for it, too, but so far  that's  of
limited value.  The phone's tiny screen doesn't work as a music book.
I can play the tunes through the phone's tiny speaker, so it's useful
as  a  reminder.   But  it's not usable for people who don't know the
tunes.  Some day, we'll have a portable that  will  fit  on  a  music
stand,  with  wireless connectivity (and good wireless coverage), and
then it'll be possible to dispense with the printed pages.

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