From: "Stephen Kellett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >There are lots of examples of songs with aligned words at
> ><>.
> OK, I think this is examples of files conforming to 1.7.6.

There are bits where I must admit that I have been lax on (e.g. not that it
is part of the standard but I'd promised to split some our long line abcs
and never got round to) but overall we have aimed to and still want to have
our abc compatible with standards and have made the effort to seek advice
here, adive that has been freely and helpfuly given.

I'm not sure that with only around 350 songs, we could be considerd to be a
significant abc site but we are trying and learning at the same time.

My own role within the site is different to a few weeks ago as I've decided
to take a back seat in terms of admin duties and overal control is now in
the hands of Pip, my mother, and I mostly just try to help on the "tech"
side.  (There is plenty of other help there too).

Having set the limit of my scope within folkinfo, I would say that having
gone even so far, I'd prefer it if lyrics are not underligned under rests as
even now, it would involve some work. That said, if a need could really be
justified and incorporated into 2.0, I think we would follow. My concerns

1: That any software we run, currently abcm2ps and abc2midi work correctly
with the abc we hold.

2: That in time, we will be able to point people to reliable abc software
that will render tunes correctly (I think as it stands without the long
lines which can look clumsy, just about everything we have will work with
current versions of abcm2ps and with barfly) . I'd like to think that in
time we can offer a bulk download of everything we hold in abc format as a
single text file.

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