On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 10:24:58PM +0000, Bernard Hill wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard Robinson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >
> >Is anybody else here looking much at MusicXML ? I've been having a look
> >over the last few days, and I must say, I'm rather impressed. It seems
> >to me that this could all be tremendously useful to us, as ABC users.
> Why? It doesn't have the ability to write your own, and isn't a format
> you could play from as ABC is on both counts.

Not sure what you mean ? "Write your own" - if you mean convert from abc,
no it seems we can't do much of that, yet. But write directly in a text editor,
you could do that. I doubt if anyone would want to, given ABC, which is nicer.
"Play from" - you mean to look at directly ? Likewise (if you were using, for
example, abcMIDI, it would be possible to convert it and carry on doing that).

I'm not proposing it as an alternative to ABC, but as a complement.
ABC is a very good way for us, people, to interact with computers
on the subject of music. The advantages of MusicXML come into play when
computers interact with each other. Easy interconversion would give us
the best of both worlds.

So, why ?

1) the traditional advantages of a "transfer format". Export our ABC to
 Sibelius-users, gain access to stuff written in Finale. If/as it becomes
 a well-known readable format, it could become the obvious format in
 which to archive/distribute stuff, for greatest readability.

 For example, to the extent that the examples on the webpage I put up
 work for people here, I should perhaps already be considering making
 http://www.leeds.ac.uk/music/Info/RRTuneBk/ available in that format.

 I notice nobody's yet said whether they do or not ?

2) if easy interconversion became possible, between the various ABCs and
 MusicXML, that advantage of transferability could extend to ABC softwares.
 See the comparison on the website - I took 2 files, and put them through
 abcm2ps. One was Finale-generated xml, one was "native" ABC, which I knew
 to have been tested against an ABC-parser I don't use (ie, a different dialect
 of ABC). Both, it's fair to note, had an element of selection - there is much
 about MusicXML that couldn't have been handled by the conversions I have
 available, and the ABC was chosen as being likely to be correct but challenging.

 Both generated errors, which required editing to fix, but the first was much
 easier to fix up than the second - MusicXML _can_ already be more accessible to
 an ABC user than a different dialect of ABC. If ABC writers were able to convert ABC
 into MusicXML when they need to pass their work onto anyone else, and ABC users
 were able to convert this "back" into ABC, this would give us all a new and useful
 handle on The Question Of The Dialects.

 The ABC file in question, by the way, was Jack Campin's McLennan.abc. I
 await BarFly's MusicXML-export with interest ...

3) doing things to MusicXML with XSLT stylesheets is, I propose, a
 possibility of great interest to the coders, hackers, tinkerers and
 question-askers among us - there are a vast number of things that are
 much easier done that way to a tune than by parsing the ABC. Since XML/XSLT
 proposes itself as a write-once-run-anywhere, platform-independent technique,
 it might be possible to develop libraries of useful tricks, open to any ABC
 user who can convert into xml (and, indeed, maybe, non-ABC users who come to xml
 from elsewhere. There's potentially a much wider pool of interested people here).
 And even more tricks would be possible if you could convert results back to abc
 when appropriate.

 For example, Jack Campin was asking a few months back about looking
 through a collection of tunes and finding those with a range suitable
 for a specific instrument. I can't remember if it was here or elsewhere,
 but I remember seeing it. Did you ever get any answers, Jack ?

 I have ways of doing things like that. You need to parse the ABC,
 unroll the repeat-loops, and so on, and then identify the note-pitches.
 This is not trivial. I've been using James Allwright's abcMIDI parser
 for this (because it seemed the closest to being quickly adaptable). Having
 obtained a list of pitches, I pick the information I'd like out of it, using
 whatever hack seems convenient. Perl, for nstance. For Jack to use this, he'd
 need to get my C source (somewhere under my Leeds "tunebook"), compile it, install
 perl ... and get used to working that way, which I doubt seems very natural in
 his environment, if it was even possible, which I doubt - my C wasn't
 written with Macs in mind, and even if it compiled, it probably wouldn't
 accept his ABC input. Techniques and tricks for processing ABC are not
 nearly as transportable as the data is to other people/platforms/ways
 of working.

 Whereas, when I started looking nto MusicXML, one of the first
 stylesheet example I saw is "noteReport.xsl". Which works through the
 notes of a tune, counting lengths and pitches, and displays results as
 a page of html. This just fails to answer Jacks question by omitting
 to distinguish the octave of the notes. I'm not too familiar with XSLT,
 but I guess it could be fixed. And if Jack could convert his ABC into
 XML and then run these stylesheets on it, this could well be a much more
 feasible way of looking for an answer to his question than any other I
 can think of. And the stylesheet to do this would be usable for anybody
 else who wanted it, regardless of platform. The techniques and tools
 are as transportable as the data.

So that's "why" (*grin*). For now. I may think of more later. Or
discover I'm wrong, of course.

> >a command-line Windows/Linux abc2xml (it's incomplete, it's buggy, it's
> >closed-source and email to the author bounces, but apart from that it's
> >great. It exists, for a start), what other ways are there to turn
> >abc into xml ?
> >
> Print it out and use SharpEye to scan it in. 
> SharpEye scans and produces Midi, Niff, MusicXML.

Ah, yes. Not running windows, I can't look at this, but maybe this
could work (if it could run from an image, that might be more convenient
than hitting the paper. Not altogether a simple transparent process,

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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