From: "Stephen Kellett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Freeman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >I had one for a while but took it down after some abc from somewhere
> >abcm2ps to loop and I had my ISP phoning me up asking what abcm2ps was
> >telling me that it had been using something like 90% of the processing
> >for a good hour or more. I'm not prepared to take the chance on the
> >server again.
> Write a monitor process that monitors your abcm2ps processes. Any
> process that has been at a high CPU for more than X time, kill it. Or
> modify abcm2ps to include a monitor thread to do the same task (better
> as it'll know how long each tune processing has taken).

I can't do that (even if I knew how to). If I was on my own server I would
look into that sort of possibility but I'm on a shared server somewhere in
Derbyshire which my ISP monitors. It was a while ago and perhaps these days
they do run something like that themselves but it's not really the sort of
question I want to ask them... You know, "I run an executable on your server
that I fear may once in a while take over most of your resources and perhaps
screw up other users. Do you have anything in the system to prevent that?"


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